The Sixth New Hampshire Vols. Co.C is a Non Profit civil war reenacting organization representing the men who served in the 6th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers during the American Civil War of 1861-1865. Our organization was founded in 1988 and has steadily grown into one of the most significant Reenacting organizations in the hobby today. We are based primarily out of Northern NJ, but we have members that range from upstate N.Y. to North Carolina. Today we are the premier Civil War reenacting regiment of the Mid- Atlantic and the ONLY group representing the 6th New Hampshire Vols fully endorsed and recognized to be Authentic reenactors of the 6th New Hampshire regiment by the Family of the regiment's original commander Simon G. Griffin, Brig General 6th reg. N.H.V. We are a progressive unit that strives for Authenticity in our appearance as well as civil war drill and camp life. We are proud members of the United States Volunteers (USV) and we participate in numerous battle reenactments, parades and living history demonstrations in the North East.